Impact investing in the time of Coronavirus

Impact investing in the time of Coronavirus

IMPACT INVESTING CORONAVIRUS - It is clear to everyone, by now, how the world economy has bowed to the arrival of the Coronavirus pandemic. Many companies have closed their doors or have found themselves facing real crises that are difficult to remedy. “For years, this approach has been a dark corner of the investment world, but has recently gained more traction in financial capital around the world.

Banks, private equity firms and other investors, some previously criticized by activists for supporting unscrupulous investment decisions, have launched impact investment funds in recent months, "writes the Financial Times. A concept also confirmed by the major world and Italian financial experts.

Impact investing and Coronavirus: a new way to overcome the crisis?

“Restaurants are dying. Anyone who sells to restaurants is dying. " These are the words of Rob Day, partner of Spring Lane Capital, an impact investment company from Boston. “In the meantime, we are seeing some of the internal food production opportunities that are selling in grocery stores or directly to consumers and that are going very well. They can't keep up with the demands. "

A real example of impact investment in the food safety market, an opportunity that puts more than 200 billion dollars (300 billion by 2025) on the plate, according to the Bank of America estimate. Investments that, in fact, can help children who suffer from malnutrition or who are unable to concentrate well at school. "Thanks" to Coronavirus, in fact, some investment sectors have been pushed under the magnifying glass, while before they were considered real reserves.

The new sectors for impact investment

Turn lawn and food waste into compost, or build a biosolid gasification plant to manage sewage sludge in New York. These are just two of the projects supported by Day's impact investigation. "This is the type of infrastructure that continues to be built even while other parts of the construction sector or construction projects have had to close."

The push of Coronavirus to sensitive themes of the planet

And its relationship with impact investing

Living with greater attention to the surrounding environment, climate change, renewable energies: Coronavirus has prompted us to reflect on some issues, already known to most.

In this sense, the opportunities for impact investing are truly manifold, recalls the Financial Times. It all boils down to seizing the opportunity and investing: making a profit, of course, but contributing to sustainable projects for humanity.

To learn more about impact investing

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